About Soul Plan

Soul Plan is a new interpretation of an ancient system of life purpose analysis. This method works on the conscious and unconscious levels and promises to bring the recipient greater freedom, connection, satisfaction, healing and life purpose activation.

Soul Plan will introduce what, for most people at this time, will be an entirely new and fascinating way of seeing their lives. This system uses the sound vibration and intention behind naming, to determine a person’s ‘Soul Plan.’

Simply by discovering your Soul Plan, you will naturally begin to align with it and start to realise your true nature. Soul Plan can be a significant catalyst in deepening this process. When this fully occurs, there is a sense and experience of your Soul Plan unfolding naturally.


At this time many of us are experiencing some or all of the above. Understanding ourselves at a deeper level helps us gain clarity and direction.

Soul Plan Reading is based upon the sound vibration of your birth name (as it appears on your birth certificate) and may also take into account the name you are now using.

The method was derived from ancient texts such as the Zohar and the Sefer Yetzirah which explore creation of apparent reality through sound, letter and word. It also includes a method of gematria, a method of assigning a numerical value to a name, word or phrase based on its letters, channelled by Dr Frank Alper 1930-2007 in his Spiritual Numerology of Moses work. In the Soul Plan system, the interpretations have been modernised and expanded by Blue Marsden who has also channelled additional material which highlights the theme of non-duality.

In this present format, Soul Plan Reading is a remarkably powerful and accurate system of life purpose guidance, spiritual counselling and healing.

Furthermore, this work has a relevance to all aspects of life and many possibilities can be employed for name changes, business readings, relationship compatibility and healing of core limiting beliefs, old patterns and issues and an added extra, the timing of things.


soul star

Soul Plan Readings