does it matter
to transform your life?
It matters to transform your life in order to live the truest expression of your inherent divine nature and align with your true life purpose.
Simply by discovering your Soul Plan, you will naturally begin to align with it and gain greater insight and understanding into your true nature and reconnect with your true life purpose.
Understanding ourselves at a deeper level helps us to gain clarity, direction and self-awareness.
Wisdom arises out of our awareness.
“Change the World by Changing Yourself.”
I was truly amazed by the Soul Plan reading Kerryn did for me. It was extremely accurate and provided me with confirmations and insights into my inner being and divine purpose. It was wonderful to clearly see how much I have grown from early childhood to adulthood and I was excited to be shown my amazing potential in this life. The reading empowered me with tools and knowledge as to how to achieve my Soul's goals and activate my talents, which has been invaluable. I highly recommend having a Soul reading with Kerryn should you wish to receive insight into who you truly are at a Soul level, your incredible potential and how to realise it.
I would like to express my gratitude to Kerryn for providing me with a Soul Plan reading. As I navigate through life, various signs appear, hinting at what my purpose might entail. The accuracy was amazing!
During my reading, all the pieces fell into place, revealing a comprehensive picture that astonished me. Among the realizations during my session, a significant "aha" moment occurred that shed light on a situation requiring closure. I finally obtained the missing piece that came with a DEEP release within me.
Kerryn possesses remarkable gifts and talents, and her Soul Plan reading service is essential! No more uncertainty or confusion about what lies ahead for me. I deeply value my session and am thankful for the thorough insights I received.
Having my Soul Plan reading with Kerryn was an eye opener in a very gentle and supportive way. Helpful, informative, and most importantly presented with clear steps to follow towards living my best life! It is the manual, handbook you should be given at birth to be able to navigate your life and make the most of it with ease, whilst working through challenges without resistance and struggle but rather with understanding .
Kerryn has helped me tremendously through a very difficult period in my life.
Her work seems to continuously shift something deep within me so that I become more aware and free myself from fear and limiting beliefs that do not serve me and hold me back.
Kerryn has helped me to restore my trust within myself and the universe.
I trust that things turn out as they are meant to and that I don’t have to carry the responsibilities of the world on my shoulders.
I can’t thank her enough for all the work she has done together with me.
I recommend her to my friends without hesitation. Those that have been to her, have loved their sessions and have benefited greatly.
I am a breast cancer survivor and believe that our diseases relate to emotional blockages. I made the decision to be proactive and deal with them.
I had sessions with Kerryn for two years and have no words to describe how she has helped me. What I can say is that she helped me to grow. Through our sessions together, I released long held anger and learned to forgive and become a better me.
As a result, I feel more connected to myself and have a better understanding of who I am.
We all have something to work on, managing our emotions is an important part of keeping healthy and balanced.
I would like to thank Kerryn for the wonderful healing, insightful and spiritual journey that she has assisted me with over the past few years.
When I started my sessions with her, I was ‘stuck in a rut’ both physically and more important mentally-not sure where my life was going. Her initial BodyTalk sessions and later coaching sessions helped me to get on with my life journey towards a rewarding and fulfilling life and away from the acceptance of mediocrity because that was financially easy but very unfulfilling.
Her guidance and supportive therapy gently opened me up to facing new challenges and dealing with the ups and downs that life throws at me and indeed us all.

“Courage is the hallmark of spirituality.”
“The key to living in alignment with your destiny, with your life’s intention, with your full potential, is to know your own Soul Plan.”
Your Soul Plan is a blueprint for living your destiny
Do you feel you have lost direction in life?
Discover your overall life purpose.
Do you have a sense that there is something more for you in this lifetime?
Identify what may be holding you back.
Do you question your life’s purpose?
A deeper insight into your true nature.
Your Soul Plan is a blueprint for living your destiny
Do you feel you have lost direction in life?
Discover your overall life purpose.
Do you have a sense that there is something more for you in this lifetime?
Identify what may be holding you back.
Do you question your life’s purpose?
A deeper insight into your true nature.
For more on Soul Plan Readings
About me
I am a Soul Alignment Coach as well as a Business Coach & Facilitator.
After discovering my life purpose through a constant accumulation of experience and broadening of my mind, I wanted to create a business rooted in that purpose.
Do you have the feeling that the potential within you, hasn’t yet come to full fruition?
My offering is unique in that I combine the western form of numerology, the ancient Pythagorian system, with the Kabbalistic system, that has its roots in the ancient text, the Sefer Yetzirah, known as Soul Plan.
By discovering your Soul Plan, the life’s journey your soul intended, you will naturally begin to align with it and reconnect with your true life purpose and potential. I now use this knowledge and my experience to illuminate the path for others.
It was around 2003, that my spiritual quest became more conscious. At this time, I made the decision to leave my husband. My young children were four and two years old. I felt like I had jumped off a cliff blindfolded not knowing where I was going to land. It was during the so called ‘dark night of the soul’ moments and the fear of the unknown that inspired me to transform my life.
My spiritual quest has combined periods of meditation and spiritual discipline with the study of ancient wisdom, modern psychology, numerology and energy medicine.
In 2008, I became a certified holistic therapist. After eight years of working with clients, I learned and observed first hand, that true healing has to start with shifting the mind and our beliefs. This understanding has been crucial for the work that I have done since.
After this, I went back into the corporate environment in 2015. With a substantially changed role from fashion buyer for a large organisation in the 1990’s, to sixteen years later, a facilitator and coach in the leadership development space. With new eyes, I have managed a range of independent client relationships, assisting groups of leaders to become more empowered in their roles.
My passion for people development has always been front of mind and the topic of purpose has always inspired me.
At the beginning of 2019, I was a guest speaker to 60 facilitators from Europe and the US that worked for a globally recognised skin care brand. They had lost inspiration and it was my job to help them find it again. One of the main themes of my talk was the importance of finding meaning and purpose. Having found meaning and purpose myself, I was able to explain how bringing more of their true nature and purpose into their daily work, would allow them to be much more effective as facilitators. My one-hour interactive talk was well received.
At this time I was already giving private clients insight into their deeper natures through their birth names. Numerology had become a passion of mine 20 years prior, helping me to understand myself on a deeper level as well as navigate my life and my next steps with my young children.
This ancient spiritual science offers insights into various cycles, opportunities, and challenges that you have already faced, or have yet to experience.
My constant search for insight and understanding led me to study the Kabbalah. I was looking for the Holy Grail so to speak, a system that would give one even deeper insight into themselves and their true life purpose. Through the Kabbalah, I came across Soul Plan. A system that has its roots in the ancient text the Sefer Yetzirah. I knew I had found what I was looking for.
As mentioned, I now combine the ancient Pythagorean system of numerology with Soul Plan, to gain even deeper insight.
Living everyday rooted in purpose and making sure I remain connected to my true nature is my daily focus.
Do you feel that there is an inconsistency between who you are today and who you can be?
I encourage you to read more about Soul Plan and what happens in a reading. It is available to anyone who seeks it and I hope to embark on that journey with you.

Do you feel that there is an inconsistency between who you are today and who you can be?
Soul Plan Readings
what happens in a soul plan reading
Your birth name has hidden within it your life’s blueprint, the life’s journey your soul intended.
This plan brings with it a unique combination of challenges and talents that we must conquer and embrace to reach our soul destiny.
How it works:
- You provide your full birth name as it appeared on your birth certificate as well as your full birth date.
- I prepare your Soul Plan chart in advance.
- We meet either in person, online or over the phone to review your Soul Plan together. I make a recording of your Soul Plan reading but I also encourage you to make personal notes due to the amount of information that I share. After the reading, I also provide a brief summary of what was covered.
A reading is extremely powerful and transformative. It helps heal obstacles to achieving full potential and provides a clear path forward.
In an individual reading, your life is analysed in terms of your talents, goals, lessons and obstacles to overcome and you will discover your overall life purpose.
In summary, a Soul Plan reading is an interpretation of your potential experiences for this lifetime.
It will include:
- An explanation of the challenges you are or have been facing.
- An explanation of the unconscious limiting beliefs that may be holding you back.
- An explanation of the talents / attributes latent or manifest within you.
- An explanation of your deepest goals in the everyday and spiritual sense.
- An explanation of your overall Soul Destiny / Purpose.
You will gain:
- A greater and clearer sense of life purpose.
- A context for understanding why you have experienced the life you have thus far.
- Access to yourself on a deeper level.
- An acceleration of growth and healing.
- A deeper sense of understanding about your life experience so far.
- More clarity about life and your role in it.
You will also receive practical guidance on how to:
- Overcome your challenges/obstacles.
- Make the best use of your talents.
- Achieve your goals.

We meet in person, online or over the phone.
Soul Plan Reading
- It is a good idea to start with a full reading to have all the information before moving on to one of the other options. We look at your challenges, talents, goals and destiny in full detail.
- This reading also provides you with career opportunities and guidance if you are lacking in clarity and direction.
- After the Soul Plan reading, I suggest you look at doing the ‘Future Forecasting’ reading, it offers insights into the correct timing of things and how to make the most of the current cycle you’re in.
90-120 minutes: R2550 ($260)
Future Forecast Consultation
After having a Soul Plan reading or as a stand alone reading, this consultation comes highly recommended as it offers insights into the correct timing of things. It will help you understand what is currently happening in your life, particularly the upcoming year and how to take advantage of the Numerological influences in your chart.It will also provide insight into your various cycles and upcoming opportunities and explain how to make the best possible use of them for positive results.
45 minutes: R850 ($100)
Soul Plan Reading
- It is a good idea to start with a full reading to have all the information before moving on to one of the other options. We look at your challenges, talents, goals and destiny in full detail.
- This reading also provides you with career opportunities and guidance if you are lacking in clarity and direction.
- After the Soul Plan reading, I suggest you look at doing the ‘Future Forecasting’ reading, it offers insights into the correct timing of things and how to make the most of the current cycle you’re in.
90-120 minutes: R2550 ($260)
Future Forecast Consultation
45 minutes: R850 ($100)
Soul Plan Coaching
- In order for life to flow through us, we must clean up our lives on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level.
- The more we are able to do this, the more effectively we will be able to create from our true nature.
- This ancient system is not only accurate, it is actionable. Your Soul Plan will give you insight into what needs to be cleaned up within yourself. It contains some of the limiting beliefs you should neutralise in order to live up to your full potential as well as negative emotions you may have suppressed.
During these sessions, I take you through and teach you various tools and techniques to assist you with your alignment, namely; EFT/Meridian Tapping, the square technique from Corelight which shifts consciousness and the body, rescripting of your Akashic records for the present and thereby creating a different future, I-Ching readings (Ancient Chinese divination tool) and other energy medicine tools and techniques.
60 minutes: R850 ($105)
Business Name Reading
What effect does your business name have on the people who hear it?
- Your business name is the first impression one gets.
In order to be successful, it is important to make the right impression. - This reading is to see if your business name is in alignment with your Soul Plan and also in alignment with the intention of your business.
60 minutes: Starting at R1000 ($111)
Relationship Reading
(incl. 2x mini readings for the two people involved)
- This reading is a way to look at compatibility between people and is also used as a counseling tool for all your relationships.
- This could be a crucial reading for people wanting to get married, remember, if you change your name, you change your energies and also your compatibility.
60 minutes: R1000 ($111)
Name Change Reading
- Although the influence of your new name will be more subtle than your full name, changing one’s name is not a matter to be taken lightly. Marriage, of course, does not leave much room for choice. The vibrations of the new name can greatly affect not only you, but also the people around you. It would be beneficial to have a Relationship Reading once you have chosen your new name or once you start to implement your married name.
60 minutes: R1000 ($111)
Baby Name Reading
- Selecting the name for your baby is not always easy. I will not design the name for you but rather give you insight into the names you are considering.
- A baby name reading gives parents insight into the potential challenges, talents and goals the child may have to work through in his/her life. Know how to approach and support your child with confidence. It would be beneficial to have a Relationship Reading once you have chosen the baby’s name to see how the name would impact the family structure.
60 minutes: Starting at R1000 ($111)
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Get in Touch
If you feel driven to uncover your Soul Plan, I hope to embark on that journey with you.
Coach & Facilitator:
Kerryn Varrie -
+27 71 685 9682 -